Hosted E-mail Benefits

Cost & Scalability

hYou only pay for the services you use. A detailed invoice is provided each month outlining all the services so you can establish a more predictable budget. If your business experiences seasonality in requirements for IT resources, you can quickly scale to meet those needs.



data vaultingAs an Ongoing Operations customer your information is protected: protected from loss, protected from unauthorized access, and protected from environmental conditions that could impact availability. Certifications to validate processes, protocols, and environment meet strict requirements -PCI, SAS 70/SSAE 16.


Network uptime guarantee 99.9% Redundant systems are in place to reduce risks for downtime.


With hosted Exchange you no longer need to purchase, support, and maintain server equipment. The complexity of managing your IT infrastructure is significantly reduced – simply call our help desk for support. We actively manage the rest so you can focus on strategic initiatives.

IT Resource Optimization

Your IT team can focus on your core business while Ongoing Operations takes care of the required maintenance needs.

How does Integration or Installation Work?