5 Steps to Move your Credit Union Closer to the Cloud

Cloud StorageSo you are considering taking your Credit Union Cloud, but aren’t sure where to begin? This post is for you.

While you are dealing with a Cloud vendor, or even before. There are all kinds of things you can do in your Credit Union to prepare it for the cloud. Here are 5 good ones.

5. Take an Inventory of your Applications

Do you run any that are out of date? Any that are no longer supported by their manufacture-er? Do they run on obscure operating systems or have them become replaceable? If any of these things are true and you can do without, speak to your Credit Union Cloud provider and discuss the business process the app was performing. There is likely a new version and it will be easier to use and support.

4. Streamline your Network Peripherals

Network Peripherals are like ivy on a house. If you don’t pay attention and tend to them regularly they can swallow up your office. How many are out of date? Can you run your office on a central printer and scanner? These are questions that will help you maximize your bang for your buck on network peripherals and simplify your network once you go Cloud.

3. Take a look at your server operating systems and the apps running on them. 

Taking your Credit Union Cloud is a great time to catch up with the latest version of Windows Server, SQL, and other OS software. Cloud providers also often base their platforms on the latest version of Windows OS’s and will be able to provide you with better support if you are on that newest version.

2. Discuss Internet Connection Bandwidth

Depending on what your Credit Union is currently doing from an IT/DR perspective, you may already have enough bandwidth. If you are implementing Hosted Virtual Desktops, you may even be able to decrease your bandwidth spend. Either way, it is a conversation you need to have with your provider. Any provider worth their salt should be able to give you a suggestion regarding optimum connection speeds for your cloud set up.

1. Test Internet Quality

This one is just about as important as having enough bandwidth. I also brought it in at number 1 because the key to good Credit Union Cloud is good internet. Without a solid, healthy internet connection your sessions could be interrupted, your hosted virtual desktops could be choppy, and you could loose connection all together. You can test your current providers latency and packet loss before you run into these issues. Also, a good cloud provider should have an ISP partner and quality network hardware they can provide to minimize these issues. If your ISP  have these problems you are probably already aware and are hopefully already exploring other options in your area.

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