Trustgrid: Powerful, Simple, Secure.

Increase the security and compliance of your financial institution with an encrypted WAN.

Looking to improve your WAN security best practices and NCUA compliance without additional cost or management effort?

Managed Trustgrid by Ongoing Operations is a secure, NCUA-compliant WAN security encryption solution for credit unions.

Developed in response to the growing regulatory obligations and security threats facing financial institutions, Ongoing Operations’ Managed Trustgrid solution capitalizes on the latest advances in software-defined network technology. By leveraging software built around security and compliance best practices, Managed Trustgrid reduces the cost and complexity involved in mission critical digital banking vendor connections.

Cost-Effective Solutions for Your Credit Union

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What is Ongoing Operations’ Managed Trustgrid?

Managed Trustgrid by Ongoing Operations is an SDWAN networking platform that provides powerful and encrypted—yet simple—connectivity between financial institutions and their application providers.

Trustgrid automates many of the manual tasks of network management and ensures that the wide area network (WAN) used by credit unions and their providers is continuously secure and compliant, including NCUA-required encryption of data in transit. NCUA compliance? Always.


blankCredit Unions Current Infrastructure

Pain points of no Trustgrid

  • Data is less secure end-to-end, putting credit unions and members at risk
  • Not designed to quickly meet increasing federal compliance and NCUA standards
  • Complicated, often requiring in-house IT experts to maintain


blankCredit Unions Optimized with Managed Trustgrid

Ongoing Operation’s Managed Trustgrid solution provides a more secure alternative to the traditional networking technologies like MPLS or VPN networks.

Ongoing Operations can easily and securely connect your credit union branches, home users, and data centers to all of your fin-tech providers by integrating with or replacing your existing WAN topology.


Need protection from man-in-the-middle cyber attacks?

What We Do:

Ongoing Operations’ Managed Trustgrid Benefits

The demands on network infrastructure have changed, and Ongoing Operations is there to ensure security and compliance in an increasingly cloud-based environment.

As credit unions have evolved, core banking and member data—that once resided in the same environment as the applications that served them—have become physically separated in different data centers and logically separated by multiple credit union vendors needing access to the same data.

The shift to public and private cloud has forced a long overdue rethinking of what network security and compliance could be. Ongoing Operation’s Managed Trustgrid solution was born from the need for financial institutions to maintain the security and compliance of their core member data while allowing a non-intrusive means of access to their fin-tech vendors.

Increased Security and Compliance. No Additional Cost.

Contact us for a no cost evaluation of your savings by moving to a Managed Trustgrid solution from Ongoing Operations today.

Benefits of Managed Trustgrid

Webinar: Replacing VPN and MPLS in Banks and Credit Unions

Next Generation Networking

Networking is playing an increasing role in the modernization of financial institutions. In this webinar, we discuss the reasons why replacing legacy VPN and MLS with software-defined networking can increase security while lowering the total cost of ownership.

Don’t let your MPLS leave your institution vulnerable.

Chose the security and compliance solution trusted by leading fin-tech providers and financial institutions.

Contact us for a no cost evaluation of your savings by moving to a Managed Trustgrid solution from Ongoing Operations today.