Desktop As A Service (DaaS) – A Rose By Any Other Name Would Still Be A Rose

Credit Union cloud benefits, desktop as a service

Credit Union cloud benefits, desktop as a serviceIf you’ve been around the technology field for awhile you’ll understand when I say that the acronyms can be hard to keep up with. Some acronyms like TCP/IP or FTP have evolved to where the actual definition is no longer needed while others like VDI, HVDI and SaaS are newcomers and generally need further explanation. One acronym in particular is causing quite an uproar among the technologists throwing it around – DaaS. originally coined to represent “Data as a Service” is now commonly used to mean “Desktop as a Service”.

But what is DaaS you ask?

Better sit down for this one – DaaS, when referring to “desktop as  service” is simply another name for hosted virtual desktop infrastructure (HVDI)! Now why would we need another acronym for an existing product? In this case, I feel DaaS more accurately reflects the expectations of the consumer. When you subscribe to have a hosted desktop environment, the technologies are transparent to you as a consumer. All you care about service!

So don’t let new acronyms sway you from investigating a new tool for your infrastructure. At Ongoing Operations, we are committed to helping you stay informed regarding the newest technologies you may be considering. Our HVDI series could aptly be renamed to the DaaS series but we believe in calling a rose a rose. If you haven’t already, check out the following posts to come up to speed on DaaS/HVDI:

What is a Hosted Virtual Desktop?

What are Key Features of Hosted Virtual Desktop?

How Does Hosted Virtual Desktop Work?

How Do I Manage My Hosted Virtual Desktop Environment?

What Does it Take to Implement Hosted Virtual Desktop?

How Much Storage Will My Organization Need with Hosted Virtual Desktop?

What are the Challenges in a Hosted Virtual Desktop Implementation?

How do I Train Users on Hosted Virtual Desktop?

How Does Billing Work for Hosted Virtual Desktop?

Need more detailed information? Download our Hosted Desktop (HVDI) eBook today!

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