Professional Services – The OGO Difference

At Ongoing Operations we focus on making business continuity planning an organization-wide initiative and process. Our team of certified, professional staff uses an award winning BCP software platform and a holistic process to bring people, processes and technologies together. From the kick-off meeting to the annual plan review and tabletop, your Credit Union has a designated planner assigned who will walk you through all stages of plan development. Each of our professional services consultants have hands-on Credit Union experience and bring that grassroots CU knowledge to building your plan.

Ongoing Operations is a leader in building private/public partnerships and helps financial institutions understand their risks through both a Financial Impact Analysis (FIA) and broader Business Impact Analysis (BIA).

Information you'll want
Why Do I Need It?You do not have a dedicated BCP staff and/or Internal BCP leadership gets distracted with other priorities. To get momentum and focus on BCP an outside voice can push and move an organization forward.
What Are The Likely Outcomes?A well-documented plan, well trained employees, and feeling like you can do this without us. Saves you money compared to hiring a full-time planner.
Why OGO?OGO helps recover more Credit Unions every year than anyone else.

Our Process:


business continuity plan, professional services













The Professional Services Team Members:

P. Robin Remines, CBCP – Vice President, Professional Services, Certified Business Continuity Professional

Tim Daugherty, ABCP, CCPBusiness Continuity Professional

Michele Dowis, CBCP, AMBCI, CCPCertified Business Continuity Professional

Mark Komnik, Business Continuity Professional